Configure AWS CLI

From ChatGPT ;P

To configure AWS CLI authentication for deploying applications, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install AWS CLI: If you haven’t already, install the AWS CLI on your machine. You can download the AWS CLI installer appropriate for your operating system from the official AWS Command Line Interface documentation.

  2. Create AWS IAM User: In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the IAM (Identity and Access Management) service. Create a new IAM user or use an existing one that will be used for authentication. Ensure the IAM user has appropriate permissions to deploy the applications and access the necessary AWS resources.

  3. Obtain Access Key and Secret Access Key: In the IAM user details, navigate to the “Security credentials” tab and create an access key. This will provide you with an access key ID and a secret access key. Note down these values, as they will be used for authentication with the AWS CLI.

  4. Configure AWS CLI: Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

aws configure

This command will prompt you to enter the access key ID, secret access key, default region, and default output format. Enter the access key ID and secret access key obtained in the previous step, and choose the desired region and output format (e.g., JSON).

Alternatively, you can manually edit the AWS CLI configuration file located at ~/.aws/config (Linux/Mac) or\config (Windows) and add the access key ID, secret access key, region, and output format in the appropriate sections.

  1. Test the Configuration: To verify that the AWS CLI authentication is set up correctly, run a simple command, such as listing your S3 buckets:
aws s3 ls
If the authentication is successful, you should see a list of your S3 buckets.

By following these steps, you will have configured AWS CLI authentication, allowing you to deploy applications using the AWS CLI and access the necessary AWS resources based on the permissions granted to the IAM user.